hi I'm dr. Steven Chu I'm a professor of psychology here at Stanford University this is a third in a series of five videos on how to study effectively in college the effective studying is more than just a matter of having a desire to learn in devoting sufficient time and effort students have to utilize effective learning strategies if they use ineffective strategies they can study long and hard and still fail in this video I'll explain the basic principles of how people learn best and how you can apply those principles to improve your study effectiveness as we saw in the earlier videos you can be highly motivated to learn but if you use a shallow learning strategy you simply won't learn shallow learning strategies focus on superficial aspects like memorization but if you use a deep learning strategy which focuses on meaning and comprehension and visual imagery then you'll learn whether you intend to or not so if deep processing is the key to effective study how do we accomplish this while we're studying here are some basic principles for achieving deep processing and a question which will allow you to satisfy each principle first elaboration means making meaningful associations between the concept you're studying and related concepts the association's can be among concepts you're studying or with your prior knowledge the more meaningful associations you can make the better you'll learn next distinctiveness means that you make a clear contrast between the concept you're studying and other concepts you need to understand the key differences among related concepts say you're in a general psychology class and you're learning about short-term and long-term memory you elaborate the two by relating them together they both hold information for later use you also emphasize the distinctiveness between the two by focusing on the key differences one as and one has a limited capacity the other has an unlimited capacity one has very rapid forgetting the other has much slower forgetting finally you relate it to your own personal experience I meet people at parties I forget their names a few seconds later because of short-term memory I still remember that time I got lost in the mall as a child because of long-term memory the last aspect of deep processing is practicing appropriate retrieval and application of the material by appropriate I mean that you practice recalling the information and using the information in the way that their teacher expects you to be able to do if the teacher expects you to solve real-world problems then you need to practice recalling using information in that way if your teacher expects you to analyze hypothetical situations you need to practice doing that instead of reading the material over and over close your book and notes and recall as much of the information as you can write it down explain it to a friend take advantage of questions that textbooks often have at the end of the chapter that ask you to review the information or take advantage of textbook websites that often have review tests now one thing I've told you not to do is to memorize isolated facts here is the exception to that rule if for some reason your teacher tests you over exact wording of isolated facts then memorize isolated facts so these are the basic principles of deep processing effective study strategies take advantage of some or all of these principles good students have multiple ways of studying depending on the teacher and the subject but all their study strategies are based on these principles you'll have to figure out the best study strategies for yourself and in the next video we'll discuss impossibilities but no matter what you do they should be rooted in these principles here are two other important concepts you need to understand for effective learning automaticity and over learning an automatic process is one that's so highly practiced that you can do it without any conscious thought or effort like driving a familiar route where you arrive at your destination without even thinking about it any task that is practiced enough can become automatic including study skills when you get to college you bring high school skills that are automatic developing effective college skills involves not just developing more effective skills but overcoming those high school skills that are automatic and over learned overcoming those high school skills is a big reason why developing effective college level study skills is so effortful and takes so long for most students it takes conscious effort over weeks or even months I have had students who've seen immediate improvement using the principles of deep processing and if that happens do you be pleasantly surprised but most it's a process of ongoing improvement you need to develop these skills and practice them over a long period of time the good news is though once they become automatic they'll be helpful to you in any learning situation a concept is related to automaticity is over learning over learning means that you don't just study material until you can just recall it you keep studying it over and over again until you can call it quickly and easily over learning information helps prevent forgetting and it makes recall fast and easy if you're studying critical information that you'll need to know in the future is part of more complex learning it's a good idea to over learn it in this video we've operationalized deep processing into a set of principles you can use to achieve deep learning I also talked about the pitfalls of bad study habits that are automatic in the advantage of good study skills that are automatic finally I talked about the importance of over learning critical information in the next video we'll use these principles of deep processing and apply them to common learning situations we'll be looking at how to take notes using deep processing and also how to use deep processing while reading in textbook