• Honor Graduates

Honor Graduates

Wilson Community College encourages scholarship. To honor those students who achieve excellence, a list will be published following each semester recognizing all students who achieve a grade point average of 3.50 or above on a minimum of 6 semester hours with no grade below “B”. Credit hours in developmental courses (any course that has 0 as the first number in the 3 digit course number) and courses for which grades of I, CT, S, U, AU, W or EX are earned will not be counted in the 6 credit hour load for computing Honors distinction. Students who qualify for Honors distinction with a 4.0 grade point average will be cited with “Highest Honors”.

Highest Honors distinction (4.0 GPA)
Honors distinction (3.5 – 3.99)


Each year, at graduation, students are recognized for outstanding achievement. Among these are the Faculty Cup, awards from the local community, and College departmental awards.

Non-graduating students with the highest academic averages are honored by being named marshals to serve at graduation exercises.

Students who have completed all requirements for graduation and have achieved a 3.50 – 3.99 grade point average will graduate with “Honors”. Students that complete with a 4.0 grade point average will graduate with “Highest Honors”. This distinction is noted on the diploma.

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Weather Update

WCC will open and operate on a regular schedule Friday, January 24. Please use caution and travel as local road conditions allow.