Surgical technology at Wilson Community College

“I will never forget the very first time I observed a surgery. I remember watching the staff as they worked together as a team to help the patient. I knew right then that I wanted to be a part of that team,” said Beth Davis, surgical technology instructor at Wilson Community College.

WCC offers a two-year degree in surgical technology — which is an extension of our allied health department. If you’re looking to get into the medical field, and in particular as a team player in the operating room, this might be a great fit. In fact, our instructor, Beth, is a graduate of the WCC surgical technology program.

Graduates are prepared to assist in the care of a patient during surgery. They prepare supplies, equipment and instruments; maintain aseptic conditions; prepare patients for surgery; and assist surgeons during operations. There are jobs in labor and delivery, main hospitals and surgery centers, dialysis facilities, physicians’ offices and central supply processing units.

Spots are still available in our surgical technology program for the fall 2021 semester. The registration deadline has been extended to Thursday, July 15. This program currently has a 100% job placement in the allied health field. Applicants must meet the admissions requirements by the deadline, and spots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

The admissions requirements include:

• Step 1: Apply to Wilson Community College.

• Step 2: Complete an Allied Health Intent Form.

• Step 3: Schedule an appointment with our Student Development Office and take the Test of Essential Academic Skills.

• Step 4: Meet eligibility requirements.

• Step 5: Applicants are conditionally accepted and ranked, depending on eligibility and admission points.

In the last semester of the program, students are eligible to take the national certification exam, the CST.

So, in only two years’ time, you could earn a degree and get hired in the field you love. Just think — you have the chance to change someone else’s life, and in turn, you’re changing yours too by taking a chance on yourself. And who knows? You may decide to go to the next level for the two-year nursing degree. We have options at WCC to help you do just that.

“Through this program, Wilson Community College changed my life,” Beth said. “As I tell my students, the door is always open and the possibilities are endless in the allied health field. Just remember to find joy in the journey.”

For more information about the surgical technology program, contact instructor Beth Davis at or Becky Strickland, dean of allied health, at And for more information about the admissions process and eligibility, contact Josh Harris at 252-246-1257 or #WilsonCC — we make Wilson work.


• July 6 — First day of registration.

• July 8 — Fire Academy graduation.

• July 8 — New student orientation and nursing information session (both online).

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WCC will open and operate on a regular schedule Friday, January 24. Please use caution and travel as local road conditions allow.