College and Career Readiness

(Formerly known and commonly referred to as GED) The College and Career Readiness programs educate adults without a high school diploma and adults with a high school credential who need to upgrade their fundamental skills in reading, math, and/or the English language for college and/or workplace readiness learning opportunities. Five College and Career Readiness programs are offered:
  • Adult Basic Education (ABE)
  • Adult Secondary Education (ASE)
  • Adult High School Diploma (AHS)
  • NC High School Equivalency (HSE)
  • English Language Program (ELP)
College and Career Readiness Interest Form

College and Career Readiness Admissions

Adults 18 and over, and minors, ages 16 and 17 with an authorized school release or withdrawal form signed by the administrator of the last public school, private school, or home-school attended, are eligible to enroll in College and Career Readiness programs.

How to Get Started:

Call to schedule Orientation and a Placement Test session
  • Contact Tonya Brinkley at (252) 246-1356 or
  • Contact Veronica Faison at (252) 246-1295 or
Note: ID is required in order to take the TABE Placement Test. Your class assignment will be based on your TABE scores.

During the Orientation You Will:

  • Complete a student registration form.
  • Receive a class schedule.
  • Discuss important classroom information.

Online Registration

Please complete the online registration after you register for orientation.

For more information contact:

Transitions Career Academy

Provides adults with intellectual disabilities with the opportunity to continue their education by improving their reading, writing, math, and technology skills while preparing for the world of work or other appropriate post secondary program.

Transitions Career Academy Application

Information about the Transitions Career Academy

Adult Basic Education (ABE)

The Adult Basic Education program is designed for adults who function below the high school level. Instruction is provided using a combination of instructor led classes and computer-based instruction Monday through Friday at on- and off-campus sites.

The objective of the Adult Basic Education program (ABE) is to raise students’ basic skills in:

  • Reading/Writing
  • Math
  • Language

Giving students the skills they need to meet their daily life at home, the workplace, and in the community.

Basic Skills Plus Program

Basics Skills Plus offers transition and career building support to students preparing for entry into employment or postsecondary education programs.  Eligible students are co-enrolled in the AHS or HSE program along with one of the following occupational courses:

  • Certified Nurse Aid I
  • Welding
  • HVAC

Eligibility Standards:

  • Performing academically at the ASE (9th grade) level.
  • Complete a Basic Skills Plus application.

Adult Secondary Education (ASE)

The Adult Secondary Education program of study is designed for adults functioning at the 9th grade or higher level. Instruction is provided both by instructor led classes and hybrid classes. Classes are available Monday through Thursday at both on-campus (AHS) and off-campus (HSE) class sites.

The Adult Secondary Education (ASE) Program offers two programs of study that lead to a high school credential.

  • Adult High School Diploma Program (AHS)
  • NC High School Equivalency Diploma (HSE)

All students who enroll and complete the requirements of an ASE Program are eligible to receive free tuition, up to 5 credit hours in a curriculum course, or 1 continuing education occupational course, or 1 continuing education course.

All students must attend a two-day or three-night orientation session. Minors, 16 & 17 years old must complete the required paperwork prior to attending the orientation session.

Adult High School Diploma Program (AHS)

In the AHS Program, students earn units of high school course credits to complete the program and to receive a diploma issued by the Wilson County Board of Education.

In order to complete this program, 16 core courses and 6 elective courses for a total of 22 credits, is required. Credits can be transferred in or earned as a part of the AHS program.

AHS Requirements:

  • Obtain 22 course credits (16 core courses and 6 course electives).
  • To be eligible for enrollment, students must enter with 15 credits.

Additional Fees:

  • Graduation Cap and Gown – can be purchased at the Wilson Community College Bookstore

NC High School Equivalency Diploma Program (HSE)

In the NC High School Equivalency Diploma Program, students are evaluated in four subject areas equivalent to 9th -12th grade high school coursework:

  • Language/writing
  • Math
  • Science
  • Social Studies

Classroom or online academic instruction is recommended prior to attempting HSE exams but is not a requirement. A student must pass the HSE exam in order to receive a NC HSE diploma awarded by the NC Community College System.

HSE Requirements:

  • Pass the GED® Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics exams.
  • Visit the GED® website to register, pay for the GED®exams, and select Wilson Community College PersonVue GED® Testing Center.
  • $26.00 per subject for the GED® test, retake the test one time for free. (effective July 1, 2023)
  • Note: The GED® exams are computer-based exams.


  • Pass the HiSET Reading, Writing, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics exams.
  • Visit the HiSet website to register, pay for the HiSET exams, and select Wilson Community College HiSET Testing Center.
  • $15.00 per test (Retake the test up to two times for free.)
  • Note: The HiSET exams are paper-based exams.

For more information contact:

English Language Program (ELP)

The English Language Program (ELP) teaches adults whose first language is not English the oral, listening, reading, and/or writing English skills needed to successfully function as parents, workers, and citizens.

Beginning to advanced level English Language (EL) classes are offered at varying times and places, including U.S. citizenship preparation classes.

Learn more about citizenship

For more information contact:

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Severe Weather Alert

Due to the threat of severe weather, the College will be closed on Friday, September 27, 2024.