Disciplinary Offenses

Disciplinary Offenses

For the purpose of these regulations, a “student” shall mean any person who is registered for study at the College for any academic period. Generally, through appropriate due process procedures, College disciplinary measures shall be imposed for conduct which adversely affects the College’s pursuit of its educational objectives, which violates or shows a disregard for the rights of other members of the academic community, or which endangers property or person on College or College controlled property. All Wilson city police officers have been given the authority to control access and to patrol facilities. Failure to leave after instruction to do so can result in those individuals being charged with trespassing (G.S. 14-159-13). Individual, group, or organizational misconduct, which is subject to disciplinary sanctions, shall include but not be limited to the following offenses:

Academic Dishonesty: Any behavior or action in the classroom, laboratory, clinical site, or distance learning venue that attempts to deceive the instructor. Examples of academic dishonesty include cheating, plagiarism, or lying; (read more about Academic Dishonesty)

Alcoholic beverages: The use and or possession of alcoholic beverages on College owned or controlled property; (read the Drug and Alcohol Free Campus Policy)

Attempts of aiding and abetting the commission of offenses: Any attempt to commit any of the foregoing offenses or the aiding and abetting of the commission of any of the foregoing offenses (an “attempt” to commit an offense is defined as the intention to commit an offense coupled with the taking of some action toward its commission);

Classroom misconduct (traditional or distance education): Classroom misconduct includes, but is not limited to, disruptive, threatening, offensive, or otherwise unacceptable behavior in the classroom and would include any behavior, language, or activity that constitutes a disciplinary offense or a violation of the Computer and Internet Usage Policy. Classroom misconduct, either directly or indirectly, through participation or assistance is prohibited;

Dangerous conduct: Any conduct which constitutes a serious danger to any person’s health, safety, or personal well-being, including any physical or immediate threat to others;

Disorderly conduct or language: Any individual or group behavior or language which is abusive, obscene, lewd, indecent, violent, excessively noisy, disorderly, or which unreasonably disturbs other groups or individuals;

Dress: College students are mature enough to make wise and appropriate decisions on the type of apparel suitable for a college campus. Dress which disrupts the learning process is not allowed. Dress that includes any words or images that are obscene, offensive, or tend to promote violence, drugs, or disrespect religion is prohibited;

Drugs: The unlawful possession or use of any drug or controlled substance, including any stimulant, depressant, narcotic, hallucinogenic drug or substance, marijuana, or sale or distribution of any such drug or controlled substance; (read the Drug and Alcohol Free Campus Policy)

Explosives, fireworks, and flammable materials: The unauthorized possession, ignition, or detonation of any object or article, which would cause damage by fire or other means to persons or property;

Failure to cooperate with College officials: Failure to comply with directions of College officials acting in the performance of their duties;

Filing False Charges: When a student makes charges of a violation of College policy, should the ensuing investigation determine that such charges are not bona fide and were not made in good faith or that the student knowingly provided false testimony;

Financial misconduct: Any conduct, including but not limited to, knowingly passing forms of payment such as a worthless check, debit, credit card, or money order in payment to the College community;

Firearms and other dangerous weapons: Any unauthorized or illegal possession or use of firearms or dangerous weapons of any kind is prohibited. Firearms or any other dangerous weapon may not be possessed on campus at anytime for any reason except for authorized sworn law personnel;

Gambling: Gambling in any form;

Harassment/Discrimination: Any act of harassment or discrimination by an individual or group against a student, college employee, campus group, visitor, or guest. Harassment shall include, but not be limited to, insults, heckling, verbal abuse, threats of physical abuse, unwanted suggestions of a sexual nature, repeated teasing or annoyance of another, promotion of one’s beliefs to the disparagement of others or actions intended to disturb others; (read A Student’s Guide to Reporting Harassment)

Hazing: Hazing means any intentional or reckless act on or off the property of the College by students acting alone or with others involving any action which is directed against any other students that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of that student, or which induces or coerces a student to endanger such student’s mental or physical health or safety. For the purpose of this statement, hazing is defined as those actions taken and situations created in connection with initiation into or affiliation with any organization;

Internet Misconduct: Any activity that violates Computer and Internet Usage Policies, including any prohibited Internet actions;

Misuse of documents or identification cards: Any forgery, alteration of, or unauthorized use of College documents, forms, records, or identification cards including necessary information in connection with a student’s admission, enrollment, financial transactions, or status in the College;

Obstruction of or interference with College activities or facilities: Any intentional interference with or obstruction of any College activity, program, event, or facilities, including the following:

  1. Any unauthorized occupancy of College, College controlled facilities, or blockage of access to or from such facilities.
  2. Interference with the right of way of any College member or other authorized person to gain access to any College or College controlled activity, program, event, or facilities.
  3. Any obstruction or delay of a campus security officer, fire/rescue service, or any College official in the performance of his/her duty.
  4. Any act of misuse, vandalism, malicious or unwarranted damage or destruction, defacing, disfiguring, or unauthorized use of property belonging to the College, including but not limited to: fire alarms, fire equipment, elevators, telephones, College keys, library materials, and or safety devices; and any such act against a member of the College community or a guest of the College.

Off-campus facilities: Students enrolled in classes at off-campus locations must adhere to the rules and regulations established by the College and authorities governing the use of the facilities;

Theft: Any act of misuse, act of theft or unauthorized possession or sale of College property, or any such act against a member of the College community or a guest of the College;

Unacceptable conduct hearings: Any conduct at any College hearing involving contemptuous, disrespectful, or disorderly behavior or the giving of false testimony or other evidence at any hearing;

Violations of general rules and regulations: Any violation of the general rules and regulations of the College as published in an official College publication, including the intentional failure to perform any required action or the intentional performance of any prohibited action;

Violations of state or federal laws: Any violation of state or federal laws or regulations proscribing conduct or establishing offenses, which laws and regulations are incorporated herein by reference;

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Severe Weather Alert

Due to the threat of severe weather, the College will be closed on Friday, September 27, 2024.