Accessibility Services

At Wilson Community College, we want your educational experience to be complete, positive, and fulfilling. We realize that some students learn differently. We know that reasonable accommodations can provide you with equal access to the learning environment. We want to assist you in getting the education that you need to enter the workforce or to transfer to a four-year institution.

Our instructors and staff have experience working with students who have disabilities. Also, our buildings provide adequate architectural and structural access for students with physical disabilities.

For more information contact:

How to Apply for Academic Accommodations

Accommodation Request Form

Testing Accommodations

Accessibility Resources

Our policy

Wilson Community College has adopted the following policy to guide its delivery of services to students with disabilities:

No otherwise qualified individual shall solely by reason of disability be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity at Wilson Community College.

The College will make appropriate reasonable accommodations in instructional delivery and provide supplemental services to enable students with disabilities to participate in activities compatible with their condition and interests.

Please note that accommodations must be renewed every semester. Accommodations are not retroactive.

Services Available

Various accommodations are offered; the following is not an exhaustive list:

  • Use of personal tape recorders in class.
  • Special testing arrangements for specific courses.
  • Special classroom seating.
  • Interpreters for Deaf/Hard of Hearing.
  • Computer labs with word processors with spell-check functions.
  • Software for access to computers and websites for the visually impaired.
  • Contact with Vocational Rehabilitation services, NC Commission for the Blind, and other community agencies serving people with disabilities.
  • Alternate format textbooks.
  • Note takers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Disability is typically defined as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Major life activities can include but are not limited to: caring for oneself, completing manual tasks, and working. For students with a documented disability, accommodations may be a source of support to help students in their educational journey.

Common types of disabilities can include:

    • Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder
    • Autism Spectrum Disorder
    • Various chronic medical conditions
    • Other learning disorders that may be due to difficulties with vision, speech, processing speed, memory, speaking, writing spelling etc.
    • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
    • Visual difficulties
    • Hearing difficulties
    • Physical or mobility impairments
    • Psychological/Psychiatric disability (e.g. anxiety, depression, PTSD, bi-polar disorder)

In order to apply for accommodations, an Accommodations Request Form—found on our website under Disability Services— and supporting documentation must be submitted to the Special Populations Counselor. The request form allows students to self-identify and describe their disability/medical condition and its impact in their own words. Students must self-identify their disability/medical condition and provide supporting documentation of their disability before accommodations are implemented.

Information about appropriate documentation can be found in the Disability Services Handbook located on the Disability Services page of our website. This handbook outlines information concerning the Disability Services Office at Wilson Community College.

When you fill out the Accommodations Request Form, you should include your Wilson Community College student email. You will be contacted via your student email when your request form and documentation have been received. You will also receive an email about scheduling a meeting to discuss appropriate accommodations with the Special Populations Counselor once all the documentation has been reviewed. Individuals who do not have a college email in place will be called to receive updates about their standing in the accommodation process.

No, you do not have resubmit documentation unless you have not been enrolled in classes for 2 consecutive semesters (fall and spring). If that occurs, you may have to resubmit a request form when you return to Wilson Community College.

When you meet with the Special Populations Counselor, you will sign an Accommodations Notice that outlines your class schedule for the semester and the accommodations that have been granted based on the documentation provided. This notice will then be sent out to your instructors for the semester. Accommodations cannot be implemented until this process is complete.

Accommodations go into effect from the day the notice is signed by the student and sent to the instructors for the current semester. Accommodations must be renewed every semester since course schedules change every semester.

Meeting with the Special Populations Counselor needs to occur at least once a semester in order to update the accommodation notice for the current semester. However, anyone is welcome to schedule a meeting during the semester to discuss any difficulties or changes to the accommodation notice as needed.

No problem. When you sign the accommodation notice, you can choose if you want the notice sent to all, some, or none of your instructors for the semester.

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Severe Weather Alert

Due to the threat of severe weather, the College will be closed on Friday, September 27, 2024.