Wolf Tracks

Watermark Wolf Tracks

Watermark “Wolf Tracks” (formerly known as Aviso) is an early alert and retention system used by Wilson Community College to support student success. Students can log in to Wolf Tracks to track their progress and contact their advisor. Use your WCC email address and password for access. If you are already logged in to your WCC email, you will be automatically logged in to Wolf Tracks!

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Watermark Student Mobile App

Download the Watermark Student mobile app to get alerts to your mobile device and use Wolf Tracks on the go!

Apple Store    Google Play


The purpose of the alerts in Wolf Tracks is to help the student and the student’s Success Team stay up to date about the student’s progress in their courses. There are three main types of alerts:

Staff-Initiated Alerts: Faculty and Advisors can submit staff-initiated alerts when they are concerned about student success. These alerts go to a designated success team member.

Automatic Attendance Alerts: An automatic alert goes out any time a student misses two classes in a course. These alerts go to the student and to the instructor.

Automatic Grade Alerts: Starting the second week of each semester, students with a course average below 70 will receive automatic grade alerts based on their grades in the Moodle grade book. These alerts will go to the student, instructor, and academic advisor.

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Weather Update

WCC will open and operate on a regular schedule Friday, January 24. Please use caution and travel as local road conditions allow.