What do all prospective CCP students need to know?

Students and parents/guardians can learn about the CCP Program by watching the CCP Informational Overview video on this webpage, or, contact the Secondary Partnership Director, Trish Holsten. See contact information at the bottom of this webpage for email, phone, and booking virtual or phone appointments.


There is no charge for tuition and most fees for eligible high school students. Wilson County Schools (WCS) provides textbooks for WCS students taking CCP courses under most circumstances—check with your high school counselor for exceptions and details. Students who attend a charter school, private, homeschool, or public school in another district are responsible for the cost of any required textbooks, access codes and/or supplies.


Students typically receive dual credit in most cases, in which the same class counts as a high school credit (often as an elective) as well as earning college credit. The College credit is part of Wilson Community College’s existing certificate, diploma, or 2-year degrees. Depending on the class and pathway, the credit may transfer to a 4-year public UNC System university or college and many independent colleges, as long as they earn a C or higher.

By getting a jump-start on your college goals, you save time and money with academically challenging classes in a supportive environment.

Eligibility requirements vary, depending on the pathway. Currently, CCP students must be high school juniors or seniors and have a qualifying GPA or meet the benchmark test scores in English, Reading and Math on approved assessments. See eligibility criteria. High school sophomores may be eligible for college transfer pathways with different criteria. Sophomores must be AIG certified in English/reading and math based on the local schools AIG plan OR have an approved aptitude AND achievement test score- each with a 92% or higher score. In addition, they must have documented college readiness in English/reading and math on approved assessments.


College classes typically count as part of the high school transcript, although some high schools that count the college class as an “extra class” may not include it in the high school GPA- always confirm with your high school counselor or principal first. Credit earned from your college class is building a permanent college transcript that follows you after high school- regardless of the grade earned or successful completion. Transcripts also include whether the student withdrew from the course. A college transcript can positively or negatively affect a student’s admission to other colleges as well as possibility affect potential eligibility for future financial aid, eligibility for high school sports, and scholarships, etc.


Most college classes are taught online so there is flexibility for your high school schedule. Typically, the college class may be part of a block schedule. Students requesting face to face or hybrid classes should make sure they have transportation and the time fits within their high school schedule as well as considering extracurricular activities that could interfere with the class time required on our campus. Student must receive approval from their principal or CCP designee to take classes.

How do I get started in the CCP Program?

  • Start by completing the CCP application on this webpage- the student and the parent or guardian must sign the application. Instructions are below the link for the application.
  • Communicate your interest in CCP to your high school CCP counselor or principal to send an updated transcript to the College’s Secondary Partnership Director.
  • Choose a CCP pathway in line with your career and college goals (discuss with the College’s Secondary Partnership Director and your high school counselor or career development counselor). Then, select classes offered in your pathway for a given semester.
  • The WCC Secondary Partnership Director will send a verification form to the high school officials to sign and send a follow up email to the student with important semester information and how to get started before the first day of class, including their class schedule.

How do I know if I’m ready for college?

Students must be able to work and learn independently to successfully complete course work at the college level. Instructors facilitate learning, but expect students to ask questions, clarify information, and ask for help in a timely manner. Students must read, follow all directions, and plan in advance to complete long-term projects and papers.

College classes typically have rigor, intensity, and are often a faster pace. They may have fewer assignments that carry more weight for the final class grade. Student may have fewer make-up opportunities for late work or extra credit. Course content may include complex, sensitive, and controversial subject material requiring a high level of maturity.

Travel may be required to attend certain classes, which may be early morning or late at night in some cases. Students will be attending classes with traditional students if courses are taken on the College’s traditional schedule.

To be ready for college work, students should be able to answer ‘Yes’ to the following statements:

  • I do not have to be frequently reminded to study and keep up with due dates;
  • I schedule time each week to complete reading/research, prepare for lessons, and complete assignments;
  • I read the syllabus and course requirements when the class begins, and all other information and directions provided by instructors;
  • I am willing to ask questions and check with the instructor if I’m confused or uncertain – I do not go on instinct or advice from other students;
  • I do not assume a missing assignment can be made-up or turned in late


Traditional ClassOnline/Hybrid Class
Students typically spend three hours per week in a classroom with an instructor teaching a lesson.Lessons are posted in Moodle (online learning management system) for students to read and work through independently.
Students interact with each other and the instructor through in-class discussions.Students interact with each other and the instructor through written discussion boards or forums.
Students spend 3-4 hours per week outside of the classroom reading, studying, and completing assignments.Students spend 3-4 hours outside of the online environment, reading, preparing, studying, and completing assignments.
 Typically requires more reading and may involve more papers and written assignments than traditional classes.

What should I consider before taking college classes, especially online?

College classes require a serious commitment and students are expected to view their class as a priority. That does not exclude participation in activities, but if a student does not attend class, (or complete required assignments for attendance in an online class), they are counted absent. If students do not complete assignments and do not meet the instructor’s makeup/late work policy, the student will likely earn a zero for the work.


Your college class selection should be part of your pathway and in line with your future college and career goals. Generally, they should align with the College Transfer pathways to earn transferrable toward a 4-year college/university degree, or align with the College’s certificate, diploma or applied associate degrees to develop knowledge and skills that will lead to employment. You can find out the options that are available by contacting the WCC Secondary Partnerships Director at: or (252) 246-1250 or talk with your high school counselor or career development counselor.


You will need a reliable computer or laptop with an up to date operating system (Windows 7, 8 or 10), the latest version of an Internet browser (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer), and the capability to access and edit documents using MS Office 2016 or Office 365. Adobe Reader is required to open PDF documents. The latest version of Adobe Reader can be downloaded at the Adobe Reader website. Pop-Up Blockers must be disabled in order to view course content that is set to open in a Pop-Up window. Regular access to a reliable Internet connection is also critical for success in an online class. Individual courses may have additional technology requirements. Additional information on technical requirements and updates can be found on the Distance Learning Webpage.

Students should have basic computer skills and knowledge including: keyboarding, browsing the Internet, emailing, saving and attaching files, recognizing file types such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Students should be able to communicate well in a written format and have excellent reading skills. Some online classes require the use of specific software as well. Be prepared for learning how to manage the time you spend on the class to complete lessons, prepare for long term papers/projects, and complete assignments with high quality work. Schedule time to study for quizzes, tests, and exams.


Yes, due dates for online class assignments are listed in the course schedule, located in the course syllabus and may also be posted in Moodle. There will be work to do every week for both online and traditional classes. For a face to face class, assignment due dates are listed in the schedule of the course syllabus.

What should I do to prepare before the first day of class?

Students should view a series of 7 Orientation videos to learn about topics including important weblinks, usernames and passwords, email, online learning and Moodle, College services and polices, expectations, and college success. Some face to face orientations at the high school may be available.


If a student is receiving accommodations for a disability at his/her high school through a 504 or other means, this DOES NOT automatically transfer for college courses eligibility.

The Americans with Disabilities Act for College level classes requires students seeking accommodations to self-identify and make a formal request for services to the College’s Special Populations Counselor (252-246-1281; F 100 on campus) and to provide sufficient documentation that supports the request. This should be requested as soon as the student has registered for a classprior to the start of classes if possible.Contact information, steps to apply, and required forms may be accessed on the College’s Accessibility Webpage.


For public school students (Fall/Spring semesters): Textbooks, if purchased by the public-school system, are distributed to Wilson County School students through the high school counselors. Check with your high school counselor for details and exceptions including Google classrooms. Textbooks are not purchased for the summer semester.

For private, charter, homeschool, or students outside Wilson County, and public students taking courses in the College’s summer semester or traditional calendar: Required books, supplies and/or access codes are listed on the College’s Bookstore link under “Textbook Lookup” and in the course syllabus. Search by course and section number to find book titles and ISBN numbers. Course specific requirements may be found under the College’s class schedule, search by semester. Or, visit the College Bookstore in Building G-201 on the main campus.

Log in immediately! Log in as soon as you have been registered for classes and receive your schedule. You will use your assigned email and default password as well as set up multi-factor authentication (a way to receive a code to your account such as a cell phone). Once you successfully log into office 365, click the Outlook email icon.

Students are expected to check their WCC email (Outlook) every day. The instructor and other College officials may send important emails including reminders or concerns and students will be expected to respond in a timely way, otherwise it could affect the student’s enrollment or grade. The College may also send important notifications or alerts that need immediate attention such as password changes, College closures, etc.

Students can easily set up email on their mobile devices by downloading the free Outlook App. Once downloaded, type student’s WCC email into the app and set alerts.

Yes. Log in at the Moodle link on the College Website and locate the Moodle 101 training course. Students can practice navigating and learning the features in Moodle. This “course” does not count for credit.

Explore more Moodle Resources.

Students can obtain a free student ID in Student Development, Building F 100, 902 Herring Ave during the College’s normal hours of operation.

What should a CCP student do on the first day of class and throughout the semester for success?

No. To be officially enrolled, the student must attend class (for face to face classes) or complete the Enrollment Verification Activity (for online and hybrid classes) by the “census date”. The Census date is posted in Moodle for online classes. If the student does not satisfy this requirement, they are dropped from class as “never attended”. Students will not be permitted to enroll as a “Late Entry” unless there are mitigating circumstances. Students should contact their instructor immediately to discuss any issues with enrollment. Only curriculum deans can approve a late entry.

To avoid being dropped as “never attended” it is recommended to attend the first day class (for face to face) and/or complete the enrollment activity on the first day of classes in case there are technical issues that need to be resolved quickly.


 Begin working immediately on your class lessons and assignments. It takes time to complete lessons and assigned work posted by your instructor, which could include reviewing resources, reading assignments, homework assignments, forums, etc. Due dates for some assignments could be within a few days.

Students should read the syllabus carefully on the first day of class! The syllabus document is posted in your class, in Moodle, and contains critical information on attendance, grading, including a schedule that outlines the topics/lessons including due dates for assignments. If changes are made to the schedule, students will be notified.

Contact the instructor immediately! Do not wait. In an online or hybrid class, there may be a delayed response to emails, so don’t wait for ANY question you have– that is what the instructor is there for—to clarify his/her expectations and help you succeed. Do not rely on other people for advice because an individual student’s situation may be unique. If an instructor has not responded within 48 business hours, contact the College’s Secondary Partnership Director.


Typically, late work is not accepted. However, the final decision is at the discretion of the instructor for that course. The instructor will post his/her policy about late or make-up work in the syllabus.


What should a CCP student do on the first day of class and How do I find support for tutoring and/or technical issues like Email, Moodle, or software? the semester for success?

  • The links are at the top of the College’s Website
  • The College email is part of the Office 365 Apps that includes Outlook for email; Moodle is the Learning Management system that houses your online class link.


Refer to the Technology Access Information Guide for details. For quick reference:

Username- first initial of first name, first initial of last name, last four digits of College Student ID#
* Your WCC Student ID can be found on your class schedule, beside your name, sent in an email prior to the start of the semester

Password uppercase first letter of last name, lowercase second letter of last name, 6-digit birthdate


Example Student:        Jane Doe ID#: 0123456 DOB: May 24,1978

Username Example:    jd3456

Password Example:    Do052478

Email Example:  


*Make sure your cell phone’s voicemail is setup and not full.


The College is not responsible for technology issues related to students’ personal computer, internet reliability, or computers supplied by the high school. Students are always encouraged to use our open computer lab on campus (Library D- 100 on campus (students will need a College student ID obtained at Student Development in F building, 100). Students may also use the Wilson County Public Library or a reliable friend or family member’s computer. Students are encouraged to have a backup plan if a computer or Internet connection fails.

Every public high school has IT support staff that can assist with a Chromebook issue such as blocked YouTube videos or websites- see high school counselor for assistance. If possible, use a loaner Chromebook in the meantime. Always contact your instructor to communicate any problems that may interfere with completing assignments on time.

All students have access to Office 365, which includes free downloads of office software (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, etc.) Students may download this on up to 5 different personal electronic devices. When students log into their College email the apps are located on the left side listed by icons.

Guides to using Microsoft Word on a Chromebook can be found on our website: under Student Services, then Technology Support Services. Scroll to find helpful guides.


Yes! The first step is to contact your instructor and explain your concerns in detail. The instructor may be able to offer virtual meetings or discuss further. In addition, there is free tutoring through NetTutor, located online, on the Student Services link.


If the instructor requires a test or exam to be monitored by an approved professional, the instructor will post expectations in Moodle and/or the course syllabus regarding which assignment requires proctoring and the steps necessary to sign up. Students should be aware to sign up in advance and arrange for proctoring at the College’s Proctoring Center on campus (Library D 100). If students are unable to come to campus, contact the head librarian, Terrence Martin, to arrange for alternate proctoring services (; 252-246-1251) as soon as possible. Arrangements should be made a minimum of 24 hours in advance.

What are some general college policies I should know?

The College attendance policy for all curriculum courses is that you may not miss more than two consecutive weeks of class. If students violate this policy, the instructor may drop the student.

Tardiness may, at the discretion of the instructor, be considered in computing class attendance. Attendance starts at the date of registration. For online and hybrid students, “attendance” is defined as active participation, as defined in the instructor’s policy located in the syllabus.  Simply logging in and looking around the course is not considered active participation.

If a student misses class or does not complete assignments for participation in an online/hybrid class, that counts toward attendance. See the online WCC Catalog for polices on Religious Observance and pregnancy accommodations/Title IX for excused absences in detail.

Students who officially withdraw, or who are withdrawn from a course for lack of attendance or missed assignments, ON OR BEFORE the last date to withdraw without penalty, will receive a grade of “W” on the WCC transcript. A grade of “W” has no negative effect on the WCC Academic GPA.

If a student withdraws or is withdrawn from a class, AFTER the last date to withdraw without penalty, they will receive a grade of “WF” on the WCC transcript. A grade of “WF” counts the same as an “F” in the WCC Academic GPA. If the student attends WCC after high school graduation, grades of “W” and “WF” are considered unsuccessful attempts even though they were taken in high school. This does not automatically make students ineligible for state or federal financial aid, but has to be evaluated as part of the satisfactory academic progress calculation for financial aid eligibility.

Withdrawing or dropping a College course may count differently regarding the High School transcript and GPA. A withdrawal at the College for a course that is also counting toward high school credit may be counted as an “F” on the high school transcript. See high school policy for details.

Having a grade of W, WF, D, or F on a college transcript or high school transcript could have a negative impact on applying to a 4-year college in the future. Students must make a “C” or better for a course to be transferred to a 4-year university or another community college.

Faculty have the responsibility to assign student grades according to standards that are acceptable, communicated to everyone in class, and applied to all students equally. A student who has a disagreement with an instructor’s professional judgment in grading should attempt to resolve the matter through dialogue with the instructor who issued the grade. Appeals will not be considered unless based on at least one of the following conditions:

  • An error was made in the calculation of the grade.
  • The grade assigned was based on standards different from those applied to other students in the same course and section.
    • The instructor deviated from grading standards as stated in the course syllabus without notifying students.

Exceptional circumstances may arise in which a student should have the opportunity to appeal an instructor’s decision. When such circumstances warrant, a student may employ the following appeals process- see appeals process in College Catalog.

NOTE: In the event the student is contending that the disputed grade was assigned based on or influenced by the student’s age, race, sex, national origin, religion, or disability, the student must follow the procedure outlined in the Grievance Policy.


If a student has concerns regarding classroom management, policies, conduct, instructional methods or effectiveness, or fairness of evaluation, the student is expected to first attempt to resolve their concerns with the instructor within 10 instructional days of the concern. If the student’s concerns are not resolved with the instructor, the student may file a written formal grievance within 10 instructional days of the instructor’s response with the Curriculum Dean for curriculum classes, or the Dean of Continuing Education for continuing education classes. See the grievance policy in the current College Catalog for details.


Admission to college carries special privileges and responsibilities. CCP students are members of the academic community and are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with College regulations and all local, state, and national ordinances. The College has policies and procedures to govern student conduct on the campus and at College-sponsored activity. If a student’s violation of these policies adversely affects the College’s pursuit of its educational objectives, the College may enforce its own regulations, regardless of any proceedings instituted by other authorities. Violation of the Code of Conduct and Civility may result in disciplinary action by the College, whether or not such conduct violates local, state, or national laws.

WCC Code of Conduct and Civility:

Wilson Community College is committed to the advancement of learning and the development of skills that serve the needs of our students and the community. All members of the College community and visitors to campus have the right to be treated with respect and dignity. These expectations stem from an institutional emphasis on academic integrity, civility, and respect for the sanctity of a safe and supportive learning environment. The Code of Conduct exists to guide the behavior of all at Wilson Community College and is based on principles and values found in the College’s Mission and Vision Statements. A complete list of disciplinary offenses and sanctions can be found in the current College Catalog.

Academic dishonesty is defined as any behavior or action in the classroom, laboratory, clinical site, or distance learning venue that attempts to deceive the instructor. Examples of academic dishonesty include cheating, plagiarism, or lying. Students are expected to perform honestly and to work in every way possible to eliminate academic dishonesty by any member of the College community.

Each faculty member has the responsibility to fairly evaluate the academic progress of each student and in doing so may use appropriate software to assist with his or her evaluation of written work. Any student found to have committed academic dishonesty may be subject to sanctions and will be reported to the Vice President of Student Development. Students should follow all directions posted for assignments and all work should be completed independently unless instructed otherwise. For further details, please see the current College Catalog.

Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 protects individuals from discrimination based on sex in any educational program or activity operated by the College. Sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. Wilson Community College does not discriminate or permit discrimination by any member of its community against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, familial status, veteran status, genetic information, or citizenship in matters of admission, employment, or services or in the educational programs or activities it operates.

The College has designated Title IX Coordinator, to direct the College’s compliance efforts and respond to inquiries concerning Title IX. A person may file a complaint regarding the alleged violation of Title IX by contacting the following persons: Cindy Allen, Director of Human Resources/TIX Coordinator at See the current College Catalog or visit the WCC website for more information about Title IX.

What should I consider when determining if I can continue taking CCP classes?

Students must maintain a minimum College GPA of 2.0 after completing two College courses. If the GPA falls below 2.0, students may still register for classes, but are placed on academic warning or probation, based on the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy. Probation status limits the number of credit hours you can register for. Students should also consider meeting with the College’s Secondary Partnership Director to encourage utilization of academic support resources.

A withdraw or failing grade are part of your permanent college transcript and may also result in a corresponding failing grade on your high school transcript. High school principals/counselors should be consulted for the high school policy.

Poor performance could negatively affect your ability to qualify for financial aid or scholarships in the future and could affect athletic eligibility, etc. in high school.

What should I do after I complete a class?

 Go to the Student Planning link on the College’s website to log in using the same username and password you’ve been assigned. Once logged in, choose student planning and view courses by semester in the Timeline Tab, or go to the Academic link and select “Unofficial Transcript”.


Students can request an official WCC transcript to be sent to another college after final grades have posted.

WCC transcripts can be requested a variety of ways:

What can a Parent/Guardian do to help support CCP students?

College course information is protected by the Federal Rights and Privacy Act, regardless of the child’s age. It is the student’s decision whether or not to share information about their attendance, grades, email correspondence or information posted in class with others, but they are encouraged to share with parents and guardians. Information may be shared with school officials with a legitimate educational interest regardless of a release.

Parents/guardians should encourage their students to advocate for themselves and communicate with their instructor immediately- by College email- providing as much detail as possible about their concerns. Parents may provide as much support and guidance as necessary, but remind students to ask questions and re-read directions, which may help. Encourage students to read all lessons thoroughly and have a plan to study and complete assignments with a calendar or pacing guide, especially if the course is online. Regular contact with the instructor is encouraged. Remind students to check their College email and class announcements every day.



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Due to the threat of severe weather, the College will be closed on Friday, September 27, 2024.